The Government's Plan of Action to Eradicate Extreme Poverty in Haiti

With a poverty rate of 78% and 56% of the population, about 7 million people, living in extreme poverty (World Bank 2011), the Haitian Government announced that eradication of extreme poverty is its highest priority. It elaborated a Plan of Action (called PAARP) to address this issue. Below are the 7 steps towards accomplishing this goal, and the economic context as described by the government.

See full presentation here: (in French)


1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger


Haiti has reduced the number of underweight children under the age of 5. In 2013, the informal sector (45%) and agriculture (47%) are still the main job providers. In 2003, the trend of the employment / population ratio was waning, a low participation in the labor market and a high rate of vulnerable employment (85%).

2. Ensure primary education for all


The net primary enrollment rate grew from 47% in 1993 to 88% in 2011. 85% of young people aged 15-24 are literate today. However, the target to ensure primary education for all is unlikely to be achieved by 2015, announced the Government.


3. Promote Gender equality and women empowerment


Although parity is achieved in primary and secondary education with a parity index of 0.93 and 1.08 respectively, the gender inequalities are persistent. Active women have limited access to secure and decent jobs, 60% of them have informal jobs. Political representation of women is among the lowest in the world, with only 4% of women in the Haitian parliament.

4. Reduce the mortality of children under 5


Infant mortality in Haiti has decreased, but not enough to reach the target. The proportion of children dying before the age of 5 was lowered by 44% since 1990, faster than the global trend. However, neonatal mortality paradoxically increased to 30 per 1000 deaths of children less than a month old. In 2012, 45% of children 12 to 23 months were fully immunized.


5. Improve maternal health


The maternal mortality rate has dropped by 43% since 1990, but it is not enough to reach the target, with a rate of 35%. Almost two thirds of deliveries are without the assistance of qualified personnel, with a gap of 46 points between the capital and Grand Anse. Contraceptive use remains limited, and for 35% of women, their family planning needs are not met.

6. Halt the spread of HIV / AIDS


Haiti has managed to halt the spread of HIV / AIDS with prevalence of 1.3% among women and 0.4% among men 15-24. Nevertheless the proportion of men with a thorough knowledge of the disease is much lower, and access to antiretroviral treatment was 58% in 2010, far below the target of 100%.

7. Ensure environmental sustainability


Environmental degradation is of concern, and the country is vulnerable to natural disasters. The forest coverage has decreased from 5.7% in 1990 to 1.5% of the country's territory in 2012. 93% of households still use wood or charcoal for cooking. In 2012, 73% of households had access to a better source of drinking water, but only 26% have access to improved sanitation system.




1. A weak and unstable economic growth that does not generate enough decent jobs


· During the last decade the average decline in GDP per capita was 0.9 % per year (ECLAC).
· Dependence on imports was of 60 % in 2011
· Losses after the earthquake in 2010 represented 120% of GDP
· Excessive liberalization of the economy and investment in the economic sectors


· Low involvement rates in economic activity: 40.8 % of women and 55.3 % men involved
· High unemployment among young people, especially in urban areas
· Extended informality: 51.7%
· 48% of women and 26% of men have not worked in the last 12 months
· SMEs (small and medium enterprises) have little access to credit and financing, especially for agriculture.

2. A high incidence of poverty and gross inequalities

· GDP per capita of US$725 in 2011.
· 20% of households that are the richest possess 80% of total households income.
· 38% of the population is on food insecurity (3.8 million) and 8% severely food insecure. (CNSA 2011).
· The repeated crises reinforce vulnerability.

3. Limited coverage of public education and low quality of education

· Despite progress, the public education offer is insufficient and unevenly distributed.
· Concentration of establishment in urban area.
· Low completion of the third basic cycle rate: 33%
· The cost of education in private schools is a major obstacle for households.


4. The Deficiencies in the first-level health services


· Progress on the state of health care is going very slowly
· Limited access to health care basic services
· Unequal distribution of service
· Low level of sanitary Education


5. A semi-qualified or non-qualified workforce because of limited training programs

· Illiteracy rate remains high - over 80% for the age group 20-24 years. (EMMUS V)
· Self-financing for professional training limits access to it.


6. A deteriorated environment and limited access to drinking water services and sanitation

· Forest coverage is less than 2%
· Massive utilization of coal by households: 84% of Port-au-Prince, 96.3% of rural area households uses it for cooking.
· Lack of access to drinking water.
· 25% of households do not have any type of toilet.


7. Low impact public interventions

· The government's response to the many problems of the poor had little impact due to the low coverage.
· Public Interventions are not designed in a global manner: there is a dispersion and duplication of Public interventions with the interventions developed by the private sector.
· The Plan of Action to Eradicate Extreme Poverty can be implemented by a set of institutions.
· The coordination and involvement of all stakeholders is the key to its success.


Next Steps

1. Launch.
2. Build awareness for donors to support the strategy.
3. Report on progress of different projects.
4. Invite each member to read the Plan of Action to Eradicate Extreme Poverty.

Article Tags: #Helping Hands for Haiti #AYITISTIK #Haiti community development #Chad Bissonnette #Haiti development
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