The Minister of Tourism has launched two new tourism websites to promote Haiti

The Ministry of Tourism has redesigned its old website, and is using it now to post information about the Ministry, its projects, and legal information.


It also launched a brand new website,, to promote Haiti as a tourism destination. The latter is used to provide general information on traveling to Haiti, including existing sites and activities. It also lists businesses that can serve tourists, such as transportation companies, hotels, restaurants, and travel agencies.


Both websites adopted social networking tools such as links to the Ministry's Facebook account, Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr.


The websites are available in French only and do not seem to target yet Haiti's largest potential tourism market in the United States.


"With this new communication space, the Ministry of Tourism reaffirms its determination to embrace transparency in the management of state affairs by informing the public of its actions, and to promote Haiti as the new Caribbean destination," states the Communication Office of the Ministry of Tourism in its press release.

Article Tags: #Helping Hands for Haiti #Rural Haiti Project #Harold R. Charles #Nathalie Liautaud
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