A Haitian company wins an environmental award in Great Britain

The Haitian Company D&E Green Enterprise, which produces more ecological cooking stoves, was awarded the 2013 Small Island Developing States Award, one of the five categories, at the 13th edition of the Ashden Awards taking place in London.


Every year during the Award ceremony taking place in London, the Ashed Awards recognize the "green energy champions" from the UK and the developing world.


D&E Green Enterprises produces cooking stoves that reduce charcoal consumption by 50% and CO2 emission by 60%. Haitian entrepreneur Duquesne Fednard founded the company in 2009 inspired by a similar project in Ghana. The road to today's achievements was not easy. In 2010 the earthquake totally destroyed its newly-built factory and equipment. Fednard and his team continued working on the production in tents, until last year's hurricane wrecked those as well. Despite these setbacks the business is now growing, and has sold about 33,000 stoves over the past ten years, while creating jobs and saving trees.


Below you can see a video presentation of the company and their work.


The annual Ashden Awards recognize trailblazing organizations that are cutting carbon, reducing poverty, and improving lives in the UK and the developing world.


Winners of the 2013 International Ashden Award will receive £20,000 to £40,000 in prize money, as well as business support.



* Video courtesy: Ashden Awards

Article Tags: #USAID #Entrepreneur #scarfie #Learn Creole In Haiti #Haitian Creole learning program
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