Charities are listed here to make it easier for people to donate to organizations that have activities and projects in Haiti, or organizations in the Diaspora with ties to Haiti.
During times of crises or disasters, it is better to send cash donations instead of having to transport, ship, or store items. Since response time is a key factor in helping victims and people affected by a disaster area, cash is more immediate and gets to the organizations and people who need it the most to deal with urgent needs.
Premium Members can include their organizations here to receive 100% of donations direct to their PayPal accounts. HEPN does not take any commissions. Contributions are immediately available to the organization. Premium Members are identified with the "Trusted Organization" Badge on their profile page.
If you are a Basic Member, HEPN takes 6% commission<\/em> on donations to your organization to cover processing and administrative fees. Contributions are transferred to organizations within 3-5 business days via Dwolla.