Recent Compliments

8 compliments.
  • complimented on Marie Diaz-Cervo
    Honest October 26, 2019 Marie, your profile is most impressive.( Book writer, sports and interests). May I invite you to join an effort that I am sponsoring to grow Balck Beans to address "LaViChe" in Haiti. Please see and tell Friends to visit Any question please feel free to inbox me. I am giving all my support to Agronome Jacson for his Project to be a success for him, for our Diaspora and that it becomes a Model for well-to-do folks in Haiti. Eddy L.
  • complimented on Carl Tinopcin
    Brilliant October 26, 2019 Great to see you have jpined our Social Site. May I encourage you to check JOin our Diaspora Support of Agronome Jacson to grow Black Beans to augment Production.
  • complimented on Rose Vital
    Bold October 1, 2019 Mme Vital, your Goal to impact the Fiancing of Home to a short time is BOLD! Eddy Lahens
  • Brilliant March 8, 2019
  • complimented on Chris Jeanty
    Firendly February 22, 2019 Chris, Thank you for your contributions. Please share with your social contacts. We think that we need to create growth, not give aids. I was about to record this effort. A fantastic story. We will hunt for similar opportunities. Best. Thank you. Enjoy this story
  • complimented on Albert Semerville
    Firendly February 22, 2019 Albert, Compliments that you have done something Unique with the Arts by fabricating Scarfs. I have always wondered if we could not save a lot of $$ Imports in Haiti if we were to have them buy their Cravates , made by Haitians. I am starting a new effort to ask our Diaspora to make Alliances with Farmers as a way to increase Food and Animal Production, See our Seed Money Program here, but we intend to have a long term LLC and to perpetuate a Private-Public-Farmer-Diaspora Alliance Model. Albert, please join us here: See other Projects also here Eddy Lahens
  • complimented on Il Durandis
    Bold December 13, 2018 Mr Durantis, Ilio this is the beginning of Haitian Engaged Group toward proving we can do this Diaspora Investment Fund together, followed by a Common Project together ~ You are BOLD and Ansanm Nap Rive!...
  • complimented on Marie Fouche
    Intelligent June 17, 2018